Thursday, 5 November 2015

November Darlings

I blame the raccoon for my lack of post these past months. They rushed in and.....

So i'll try and make up in the most typical manner- with flowers.

And a daisy

Sunday, 7 June 2015


Visiting a friend's grandma.
With the faithful Kodak KB10.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Dear May

It looks like i am posting just once a month. Grrrr.
Well when your laptop crushes and and have a very limited access to internet, it gets a little difficult to maintain the routine.
Because i am very smart,i did not back up any of my files/photos. So it's goodbye to the digital works. However i still have my negatives and film photos. TEN POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR  FILMS!!
I will try to post regularly.
Hope things have been well on your side too.
Take care.

Thank you Katie for the Ferrania rolls:)

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

A Nursery, a tree and a stall.

  • A flower nursery 
  • A tree of Camellia 
  • A road side stall selling selected potted flowers. 
  Favorite flower? 
  To name just one, i'd say Hydrangea and Ranunculus(ok that's two). Oh but these flowers..they are  all a tease.
  What's yours? 

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

When days are hot and dry

Photos taken around this time last year. 

Saturday, 14 February 2015

aye aye

"Because we are also what we have lost."

Happy Valentine's Day folks. Enjoy that extra cup of coffee/tea. We all deserve it.

Sunday, 8 February 2015


I wonder what they think of us.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

A New Year

Came across this poem through the ever inspiring Nitish on FB, perhaps the only reason i log in there.
Have a wonderful week ahead.