Monday, 18 February 2013

Sweater Weather

Not really. Winter is almost over here but i am not yet ready to give up my sweaters. I spent this winter on giant sweaters i got from the thrift market for 100rs (less than 2$). I'l miss winter,my favorite season. The weather is pretty awesome right now too. Cool wind,drizzles often,scent of autumn in the air.

Have a wonderful week ahead....

Tuesday, 12 February 2013


A few  months ago,we visited the village to attend an uncle's wedding. One fine day i found my Dad going through some of Grandpa's old files. Grandpa was the village pastor. He passed away when i was 4 years old. There is not a lot of things i remember of him but i do know he was a wonderful person.



Grandpa's Bible

Grandpa's Hymn book


Thursday, 7 February 2013

A wedding

This year on the 9th of January my eldest brother got married. It was a bright,lovely day. The bride was dressed in a beautiful white lace dress,and the groom looked like Tintin(the comic character) :).
I wish them couples a happy life together.